
Michael Leunig’s strange but charming artworks

Michael Leunig’s strange but charming artworks

Michael Leunig is an Australian cartoonist, writer, painter, philosopher and poet. His commentary on political, cultural and emotional life spans more than fifty years and has often explored the idea of an innocent and sacred personal world. The fragile ecosystem of...

Disney Characters Reimagined as Classic Oil Paintings

Heather Theurer describes her work as “a gateway into the reality of your imagination,” which is certainly the case when looking through her impressive portfolio. Each painting not only physically resembles a real-life version of each character, but it also captures...

Thought-provoking minimalist illustrations by Sergio Ingravalle

Thought-provoking minimalist illustrations by Sergio Ingravalle

German illustrator Sergio Ingravalle creates witty, thought-provoking images inspired by modern everyday life. His series, titled Mindshots, illustrates complex themes with just a few shapes and lines, proving the artist’s natural talent for visual language.

Artist Creates Funny Travel Posters Based on Bad Reviews

Artist Creates Funny Travel Posters Based on Bad Reviews

Artist Creates Funny Travel Posters Based on Bad Reviews Designer Amber Share decided to create a series of hilarious travel posters featuring the remarks of some less “outdoorsy” types who have gone to the trouble of leaving bad reviews of their experiences, titled...

Anastasia Trusova’s Wonderful Artwork

Anastasia Trusova’s Wonderful Artwork

Anastasia is a painter in the style of acrylic painting "texture-graphic impressionism" and lives in Belgium. Click the image thumbnails to open up a large version.   Anastasia Trusova's Wonderful Artwork

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